Anja Kliese Person-Info 

( Ich bin Anja Kliese)


Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in sommerlicher › aktuelles › nachrichten › lange-nacht-der-wissensch...
(Foto: PIK/Anja Kliese de Souza). Mit Vorträgen zu Klima im Film, was jeder Einzelne zur Reduzierung seines CO2-Fußabdrucks machen kann oder dem ...

Long Night of Sciences in summer heat — Potsdam Institute for Climate...
(Photo: PIK/Anja Kliese de Souza) PIK presented itself and its work with lectures about climate in the movies, options for each and everyone to reduce one’s CO2 footprint and interconnections between nutrition and climate change, an interactive exhibition about weather and climate in the institute’s “weather kitchen” and tours to its high-performance computer guided by experts. New ...

Gedenkkerzen von Günter Lehmann - Nürnberger Nachrichten › traueranzeige › guenter-lehmann › gedenkkerzen
— Anja Kliese und Günter Beyer. Entzündet am um 16:27 Uhr. Wir sind sehr betroffen und sind in unseren Gedanken bei der Familie.

Rockström appointed as chief scientist by Conservation International...
(Photo: PIK/Anja Kliese de Souza) Rockström will provide strategic scientific guidance in support of Conservation International's mission to combat climate change by protecting forests and oceans; applying innovation to conservation science; and developing holistic, scalable models of sustainability. "We are thrilled that Johan Rockström will help guide us at Conservation International ...
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