Michael Theodore Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Theodore)


(1 - 4 von 20

Artist Michael Theodore’s machine-made art on display at Denver’s...

We look at art, but it rarely looks back at us. The viewer does all the staring; it's a one-way street. But Michael Theodore's giant, lit-up installation

Michael Bozeman Obituary - Oklahoma City, OK | Oklahoman

Michael Theodore Bozeman passed away February 13, He was born March 2, in Oklahoma City. Michael was in the 2nd grade at Northridge Elementary...

Michael Theodore Briggs, Growing Up With bin Laden: Perspectives...

I was 13 at the time and I lived in suburb outside New York. I clearly remember the words of the kid who announced to our class

Plattenkiste-Titel zur Wahl - Teil 5 - Landesstudio Salzburg

Bei den Live-Sendungen von „Pirnis Plattenkiste“ können Sie sich Titel wünschen. Einen Überblick über den Liederschatz von Reinhard Pirnbacher gibt die...
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