Otto Gutknecht Person-Info 

( Ich bin Otto Gutknecht)


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Familie Persch - Zurück von einer Traumreise nach Südnorwegen -...
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The Ortonville Independent August 24, 1922:  Page 2
The Ortonville Independent Newspaper Archive Ortonville Minnesota; August Page 2. Topics include ortonville, home, miss, minnesota, appleton, sunday,...

Winthrop News August 18, 1966:  Page 6
Winthrop News Newspaper Archive Lafayette Minnesota; August Page 6. Topics include visited, sunday, martin, kirchoff, john, henry, harold, george,...

The Ortonville Independent June 15, 1922: Page › Archive › ORT
Mrs. Ed. Lundgren anti Mrs. Otto Gutknecht were Ortonville callers Fri- day. v red Luchsinger of North Dakota spent Monday with relatives in Cor- tell. i Mrs. R. R. ...
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