News Puck Engman

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Brown, Jeremy - Department of History - Simon Fraser University
–1979,” in Daniel Leese and Puck Engman, eds., Victims, Perpetrators, and the Role of Law in Maoist China: A Case-Study Approach (De Gruyter, 2018), ...

”Kinesiska på schemat ökar kunskapen om landet” - DN.SE
Erik Ringmar har missat poängen med att läsa kinesiska.

Organstölder i Kina har inte bekräftats | SvD
DEBATT. I Sverige har företrädare för den religiösa rörelsen Falun Gong mötts av en okritisk hållning. Uppgifter om organstölder är chockerande, men det är...

Meet our new faculty: Puck Engman, history | Berkeley News
· Meet our new faculty: Puck Engman, history ... Research interests: I research the history of the People's Republic of China with a dual focus on ...

Organstölder bekräftade av flera utredare | SvD Debatt
DEBATT. I en debattartikel på Brännpunkt ifrågasätter Puck Engman organstölder i Kina. I mars kom de första uppgifterna om organstölder från...

Transitional Justice without Transition? International Conference at...
Guest author Puck Engman reflects on the discussions and insights at the Conference.

China’s Selective Memory | The Council on East Asian Studies at Yale...
This year’s anniversaries of the and student protests in China will again highlight the Chinese authorities’ contradictory attitudes toward the two...

The Politics of Historical Justice after the Death of Mao Zedong
With Dr. Daniel Leese Professor of modern Chinese history and politics, University of Freiburg This talk will take recent debates on the legacies of the...

On the book - › event_on-the-book-
· How China deals with the past (in German: C.H. Beck 2020) and Victims, Perpetrators, and the Role of Law in Mao's China, with Puck Engman, ...

Virtual Event: Arunabh Ghosh at Berkeley | Princeton University Press
· Panelist/Discussant: Puck Engman, Assistant Professor, University of California, Berkeley. Sponsors: Li Ka-Shing Foundation Program in ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Puck Engman
Daniel Leese
Vorname "Puck" (35)
Name "Engman" (33)