Sven Bahrke Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sven Bahrke)


Tubulis and Glycotope Announce Research and Feasibility Agreement for...
“We are pleased to enter this collaboration and working closely with Tubulis on identifying novel ADC candidates,” commented Sven Bahrke, Senior Director at Glycotope. “We believe that Tubulis’ ADC discovery and development technologies add unique and innovative aspects to the field of ADC conjugation.”

Statusseminar des glyconet Berlin Brandenburg e.V APR 2018
April, 1:00 PM AM - Fraunhofer IZI-BB - Potsdam - Germany - Das glyconet Berlin Brandenburg e.V. lädt ein zumSTATUSSEMINAR –...

SAVE THE DATE: Das glyconet Berlin Brandenburg e.V. lädt ein zum...
Convallis minus repellendus eaque habitasse dis quos.
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