Zapata Reyes Person-Info 

( Ich bin Zapata Reyes)


Arrest made in deaths of 3 linked to U.S. Consulate in Ciudad Juarez...
The Mexican military has arrested a suspect in the killings this month of three people with ties to the U.S. Consulate in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, police and...

Search for missing man finds nothing – The Denver Post
The search of a Weld County lake northeast of Longmont for the body of a Boulder man turned up nothing early Saturday.

Sullana: Sicarios asesinaron de nueve balazos a carpintero | PERU |...
El carpintero Bismarck Alexander Zapata Reyes, de 21 años, murió esta tarde en Sullana, Piura, luego de recibir nueve impactos de bala que ...
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Vorname "Zapata" (16)
Name "Reyes" (3921)
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