Şebnem Korur und Ahmet Nesin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Şebnem Korur)
(1 - 17 von 24

Petition · Freedom for Ozgur Gundem Newspaper's Editors; Erol...

Dr. Sebnem Korur Fincanci, and journalist Ahmet Nesin, were also arrested, due to their involvement in the solidarity campaign and their protest against the ...

Joint statement in support of Erol Önderoğlu, Şebnem Korur ...www.balcanicaucaso.org › eng › Short-news › Joint-statement-in-sup...

Ahmet Nesin, Şebnem Korur Fincancı, Erol Önderoğlu (photo Bianet ). OBC Transeuropa, along with several international organizations, ... Missing: hotel ‎eventbs"

Turkey: acquitted Erol Önderoğlu, Ahmet Nesin e Şebnem Korur Fincancı...

OSCE Media Freedom Representative welcomes today’s acquittal of Turkish journalists Erol Önderoğlu, Ahmet Nesin and human rights defender Şebnem Korur...