Aaron Fischer und Marvel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Aaron Fischer)
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Guardian: Marvel announces first gay Captain America - The Guardianwww.theguardian.com › books › mar › marvel-ann...

— Aaron Fischer, a gay teenager, will take on the mantle in The United States of Captain America, marking the character's 80th anniversary.

Marvel introduces queer Captain America Aaron Fisher | Metro News

Marvel comics has introduced its first LGBTQ+ hero in Aaron Fisher, the first queer Captain America to celebrate 80th anniversary of icon.

Captain America Gay/ Aaron Fischer è il primo personaggio della ...www.ilsussidiario.net › Cinema e Tv

· Captain America Gay, l'annuncio Marvel sulla prossima mini serie di fumetti: Aaron Fischer è il primo personaggio della comunità LGBTQ+.

Gay Captain America returns to Marvel comics - PinkNewswww.thepinknews.com › › captain-ame...

AP · Aaron Fischer – the unabashedly queer Captain America of the railways – will make his return in the upcoming eighth issue of Captain ...