Aaron Sorkin und Hbo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Aaron Sorkin)
(1 - 10 von 21

Aaron Sorkin bound for Oscar glory with his last words on Steve Jobs...

While Sorkin was creatively babysitting his award-winning HBO show The Newsroom, he found time to complete the script for Steve Jobs

How to get under Aaron Sorkin’s skin (and also, how to high-five...

An innocent (and, okay, one not-so-innocent) comment from Sarah Nicole Prickett puts Aaron Sorkin on edge. And as his new HBO series The ...

Aaron Sorkin-Drama "Newsroom" startet Ende Juni - HBO gibt ...

Für Aaron Sorkin-Fans hat das lange Warten auf eine neue Dramaserie des "West Wing"-Erfinders bald ein Ende. HBO hat den Starttermin für das mit Spannung erwartete neue Format "The Newsroom" bekannt gegeben.

Aaron Sorkin Hints at More HBO Projects at 'The Newsroom' Final...

Michael Lombardo, Aaron Sorkin, Alan Poul, and Daniels. (Getty Images). Referencing fellow executive producer Alan Poul, Sorkin admitted “Everybody knows ...