Aaron Sorkin und Social Network Person-Info 

( Ich bin Aaron Sorkin)
(1 - 30 von 56

Spiegel.de: Star-Drehbuchschreiber Sorkin: "Ich habe kein Problem mit Meinungen, aber mit Lügen"

Seine Politik-Saga "The West Wing" schrieb TV-Geschichte, der Facebook-Film "The Social Network" brachte Aaron Sorkin einen Oscar. Im Interview ...

'The Social Network' deserves to go viral - CNN.com

Here's a poke to users and nonusers of Facebook:

With ‘Steve Jobs,’ Aaron Sorkin returns to Silicon Valley for his...

His screenplay for 'The Social Network' -- about Mark Zuckerberg's struggle to create Facebook, and to make sure he received sole credit for doing it -- won an...

Fincher, Sorkin on Making Facebook Movie 'Social Network' - TIME

David Fincher and Aaron Sorkin sat down with TIME's Lev Grossman to talk about why they made The Social Network, a movie about Facebook