Abbas For Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abbas For)


(1 - 4 von 73

What Trump's meeting with Abbas means for the Middle East (opinion) -...
And Wednesday in Washington, Hamas's nemesis, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, will sit down with Donald Trump in the White House -- Abbas's first visit in three years. Much like the Hamas charter update, there's probably less here than meets the eye. But this encounter is significant nonetheless ...

Is Abbas the answer? (Opinion) | CNN
Can Israel, U.S. rely on Mahmoud Abbas to bring stability to Jerusalem? ask Jonathan Schanzer and Grant Rumley.

BNP backs Abbas for DSCC mayoral race | The Daily Star
BNP has decided to back its standing committee member Mirza Abbas for the upcoming mayoral race in Dhaka South City Corporation scheduled for April 28.Prof...

Obama praises Mahmjoud Abbas for denouncing violence -
President Obama met with Mahmoud Abbas at the White House Monday with the monumental task of finding a way to a Palestinian-Israeli peace deal before them.
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