Abbas Rezai Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abbas Rezai)


(1 - 4 von 25
) The World from Berlin: 'The Ayatollah Calls the Shots' - DER SPIEGEL

Iranians go to the polls on Friday to choose between the hardline President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad and his nearest rival Mir Hossein Mousavi. German commentators...

Iran reformer claims 'dirty tricks' | London Evening Standard
12 jun — Outside the same polling station, Abbas Rezai, 29, said he, his wife and sister-in-law voted for Mr Ahmadinejad. › front

Sweden: Afghan Couple Convicted of Honor Killing | Fox News
The case playing out in the Gota Appeals Court was unusual in that context because the victim was a man year-old Abbas Rezai, also ...

Paret släppta för mordet på Abbas Rezai | Kvällsposten
Åklagaren krävde livstids fängelse, men på måndagen släppte Kalmar tingsrätt det afghanska par som åtalats för mordet på Abbas Rezai i Högsby. Deras 18-årige...
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