Mohamed Abd El-Latife Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mohamed Abd El-Latife)


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Explosion in Kairo: Mindestens 25 Tote |
Foto: REUTERS/MOHAMED ABD EL GHANY A Muslim woman cries while sitting in front of police officers in front of St. Mark's Coptic Orthodox ...

Mohamed Abd El Ghany Profile | The Wider Image | Reuters
Reuters photographer Mohamed Abd El Ghany profile: “The story that left the biggest mark on me was the Egyptian revolution, because it was the story of my...

Guardian: Egyptian protesters return to Tahrir Square - in pictures | World...

More than 50,000 people have crowded into Tahrir Square to protest against army rule
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Mohamed Abd El-Latife
Vorname "Abd" (352)
Name "el-Latife" (1)
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