Abdul Alin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abdul Alin)


Karzai nimitti uuden ministerin | Kaleva

Afganistanin presidentti Hamid Karzai nimesi lauantaina Abdul Alin yleisten töiden ministeriksi. Ministerinpaikka vapautui heinäkuun alussa, kun maan...

Demonetisation: Wholesale fruit, vegetable sale hit hard, traders...

Chambers of Azadpur Fruit and Vegetable Traders are mulling to shut down wholesale markets for a few days as sales have been affected adversely

Z Bagram PRT QA/QC in Mahmoud Raqi District of Kapisa Province...

The contractor was not present; however, the Director of Information and Culture (Mr. Abdul Alin Shafe) was present and he wanted to now if the Library would ...

demonetisation: Demonetisation: Fruit, vegetable traders plan to halt...

Traders are contemplating shuttering their operations in a few days if there is no respite from the cash crunch, which has triggered a payment crisis.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Abdul Alin
Vorname "Abdul" (2240)
Name "Alin" (396)
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