Abdul Humaid Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abdul Humaid)


(1 - 4 von 13

Honour killings in Ottawa | Ottawa Sun

In 1999, Adi Abdul Humaid was visiting Ottawa with his wife Aysar Abbas (they were Canadian citizens living in Dubai) when he stabbed her ...

Tories fund program hoping to combat 'honour' crimes in...

In a case more than a decade earlier, Adi Abdul Humaid of Ottawa even appealed his conviction for stabbing his wife to death on the grounds ...

When rights collide with freedoms | The Star

Nice try, and maybe elsewhere in the world Adi Abdul Humaid might have been acquitted. But the United Arab Emirates citizen made the ...

Muharraq spell sudden death for Al Wasl | Football – Gulf News

Heartbreak for Maradona’s men as GCC Champions League bid ends in penalties
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Vorname "Abdul" (2240)
Name "Humaid" (11)
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