Abdul Khaliq und Afghanistan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abdul Khaliq)
(1 - 27 von 39

Schrecken zum Eid al-Adha: Selbstmordattentäter in Afghanistan reißt

[Deutsch Türkische Nachrichten] - Zu den mindestens 40 Toten kämen laut dem hiesigen Polizeichef, General Abdul Khaliq Aqsai, demnach ebenso viele verletzte Moscheebesucher hinzu. Er vermutet, dass die Taliban hinter der Attacke stecken. Ein Talibansprecher ließ jedoch auf der

Five suicide bombers storm Afghanistan bank, killing at least

One of the attackers blew himself up at the front entrance to allow the other four in. Once inside, the other attackers engaged in a firefight with security...

The Afghan district stuck between IS and the Taliban - BBC News

Taliban insurgents in eastern Afghanistan are forcing locals to contribute money or fighters to confront Islamic State group rivals, local officials say.

Guardian: Resurgent Taliban targets Afghan Hazara as Australia sends them back...

In Afghanistan, more and more Hazara are preparing to flee the Taliban, just as Australia has started returning Hazara asylum seekers for the first time since...