Abdul Majid Iqbal Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abdul Majid Iqbal)


BBC NEWS | South Asia | Memories of a family torn in two

As Pakistan mark 60 years of independence, the BBC's Ilyas Khan meets a man for whose personal past was shaped by partition.

'This is awful. We must stand together' - Adil Ray in passionate plea...

The Citizen Khan star joins politicians and community leaders in condemning attacks

Majid Iqbal | Service Design Virtual Experience 2020

Majid Iqbal. Special Advisor & Author of Thinking in Services MINDEF (NL). Why Majid? I develop strategic narratives that communicate the designs of services, ...
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Milton Keynes
Person "Iqbal" (2)
Vorname "Majid" (661)
Name "Iqbal" (666)
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