Abdul Taraki Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abdul Taraki)


Chapter The Trust of Those I Have Sworn to Protect | A Special Breed...

Abdul Taraki checked his brother's wound and Hassan collapsed in the corner. “Tajwah, how could they have followed us like that?” Hassan said as he wiped ...

Chapter The Success of Our Mission | A Special Breed Of Warrior by...

Inside the shell-pocked house, Abdul Taraki screamed as he watched the life drain from his brother. Rabbani, who had heard the shot and subsequent scream, ...

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1977–1980, Volume...

history.state.gov 3.0 shell
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Abdul Taraki
Vorname "Abdul" (2240)
Name "Taraki" (12)
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