Abdullah The Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abdullah The)


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derstandard.at: Userprofil von Abdullah The Great - derStandard.at

derStandard.at die Echtzeit|ung: Permanent aktualisierte Nachrichten aus aller Welt vom Online-Newsroom der führenden Qualitätszeitung Österreichs.

China held rounds of Taliban talks: Afghanistan's Abdullah - The...

Claims China asked Taliba­n leader­s to talk direct­ly with Afghan govern­ment

Guardian: Kia Abdullah | The Guardian

Kia Abdullah: The Asian Women of Achievement Awards are fantastic, but our men need role models more than ever as they lag behind. Published: 24 May ...

Lunch for Farooq Abdullah- The Times of India Photogallery ...

Kanchan at a lunch party for Farooq Abdullah which was hosted by Monica and Rajeev Malik at 360 in hotel Oberoi on MORE FROM ENTERTAINMENT.
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