Abel Warren Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abel Warren)


Warren Buffett | Allnewswww.allnews.ch › tags › warren-buffett

... a affirmé le milliardaire, mettant fin au suspense qui durait depuis des années. 3 mai :49. AWP. Berkshire Hathaway Greg Abel Warren Buffett.

Meet Greg Abel, Warren Buffett indicates successor without timeline...

Ending the years of speculations, Warren Buffett has reportedly named Greg Abel, vice chairman of Berkshire Hathawayʼs non-insurance...

Who Is Greg Abel, Warren Buffett's Successor? - Diggdigg.com › news › link › who-is-greg-abel-warren-...

· Gregory Abel, the 59-year-old vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, will succeed Warren Buffett as the company's CEO, Buffett announced ...
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