Abraham Eraly Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abraham Eraly)


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Review: History: The Mughal Throne by Abraham Eraly | The Sunday Times

Almost every aspect of the daily life and culture of northern India came to reflect that fusion. In music, the qawwali, the love song of the Indian Sufi holy man, ...

COVER STORY: The Age of Wrath: A History of the Delhi Sultanate -...

But if you have read Abraham Eraly's Age of Wrath: A History of the Delhi Sultanate, and you stand next to the tomb of the sultan who ...

Guardian: Letters | Books | The Guardian

Fact and Indian fiction | A private function | Attending to others

Decline and fall of the Mughal empire

The Mughal empire, writes Abraham Eraly, "lagged way behind Europe, behind even China, Japan and Persia. There was hardly any vigour in ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Abraham Eraly
Yasmin Khan
Vorname "Abraham" (1491)
Name "Eraly" (4)
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