Abu Bakar Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abu Bakar)


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BBChttps://www.bbc.com › news › wo...Abu Bakar Ba'asyir: The radical Indonesian cleric linked to Bali ...

— Abu Bakar Ba'asyir is considered Indonesia's most high-profile radical Muslim cleric and has been ...

Dawnhttps://www.dawn.com › authorsNews stories for Muhammad Abu Bakar Farooq

Muhammad Abu Bakar Farooq. CRICKET: INTRODUCING 'AQIBBALL'. The recent high-stakes Pakistan-England Test series saw Pakistan ...


— By Fazlin Ekrami At the heart of ConocoPhillips, where SPIRIT Values lead the way, stands Aizad Abu Bakar, senior geologist, ...

Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft

Abu Bakar Munir is an internationally renowned scholar, expert and consultant on ICT Law and Data Protection Law. He was the Dean of the Faculty of Law ...
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