Abu Salah Person-Info 

( Ich bin Abu Salah)


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Zainah celebrates filming “Layali”

[Al-Bawaba] - The young Egyptian actress Zainah finished filming the new television drama series “Layali,” also starring Salah Abdullah, Sawsan Bader, Yousif Al Sharif

Google News: Warga Jenneponto Diduga Korban Salah ...

[Tribun Timur] Abu Bakar, dirawat di Rumah Sakit (RS) Tentara Pelamonia, Makassar, Selasa (25/8). Warga Kecamatan Bangkala Jeneponto diduga menjadi korban salah tembak

Google News: Hamas 'Victory Festival' in Damascus

[Middle East Media Research Institute] - One of the speakers at the festival was Abu 'Abir, spokesman of the Salah Al-Din Brigades, the military wing of the Popular Resistance Committees.

Google News: Pilgrims vulnerable to swine flu are ...

[The National] - Dr Belal al Shammaa, a consultant endocrinologist and diabetologist at the American Hospital Dubai, said people with chronic diseases were more at risk of
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