Adam Denston und Stafford Person-Info 

( Ich bin Adam Denston)
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Craftsman starts firm after watching Youtube videos - BBC › news › uk-england-stoke-staffords...
— Adam Denston, who has ADHD and learning difficulties, is enjoying success with his statue business.

Artizani krijoi kompaninë e tij pasi shikoi videot në › artizani-krijoi-kompanine-e-tij-pasi-shi...
Adam Denston, nga Stafford, tregoi vështirësi e tij në të mësuar dhe që vuante nga sëmundja e çrregullimit të hiperaktivitetit të deficitit të vëmendjes që ...

Stafford man who left school with no GCSEs turns his hobby into a › news › stafford-man-who-l...
— Adam Denston feels employers can find it difficult to understand these conditions but has now found something he is good at and enjoys.
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Vorname "Adam" (16869)
Name "Denston" (1)