Adam Masters und Football Person-Info 

( Ich bin Adam Masters)
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UCONN FOOTBALL: Adam Masters finally reaches milestone › news › article
It took UConn starting offensive lineman Adam Masters three years to finally surpass the 300-pound barrier. Now 301, up from the 288 he ...

UConn Football: Adam Masters reaches his goal, Paul Pasqualoni weighs...
STORRS -- Piling on pounds, and maintaining them, isn't quite as easy as it sounds. Not...

High School Sports: Special night for Masters family (
Rick, Joe and Adam Masters (from left) have all competed in the Indiana Football Coaches Association All-Star Game. Order this photo.

UCONN FOOTBALL: Syracuse game adds injury to insult as captain Adam...
SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- Before Friday night's game against Big East rival Syracuse had gotten away from UConn, the Huskies were already dealing with a crushing loss....