Adam Schiff und Republican Person-Info 

( Ich bin Adam Schiff)
(1 - 16 von 28

Schiff concerned Republicans are working to end the Russia...
Washington (CNN) Rep. Adam Schiff said Thursday he's concerned Republicans are working to end the Russia investigation. "I think they view shutting us down as a prerequisite to shutting Bob Mueller down," Schiff said on CNN's "The Situation Room." "And we see some very disturbing signs that that's ... Missing: osnabrück

Schiff: GOP blocking key witnesses in effort to scuttle House Russia...
(CNN) Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said Thursday that Republicans are blocking dozens of witnesses from being interviewed in the Russia probe, including some who were aware of the Trump Tower meeting where Donald Trump Jr. was promised ...

Adam Schiff: GOP using Benghazi probe to cast bad light on Hillary...
A Democrat on the House Benghazi committee says Republicans have turned the probe into a special investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham...

Kimberley Strassel: Adam Schiff's surveillance state | Fox News
Eric Early, the Republican candidate running against Rep. Adam Schiff, accuses the lawmaker of neglecting their district's homeless problem.