Adi Kamdar Person-Info 

( Ich bin Adi Kamdar)


(1 - 4 von 37
) US-Bürgerrechtler zielen auf Patent-Trolle | heise online

Die Electronic Frontier Foundation hat einen Plan vorgelegt, mit dem das

Private Data-Collection Firms Get Public Scrutiny |
While the focus Wednesday was on a White House panel's report recommending curbs to government spying programs, another less-noticed report peeled back the...

RadioShack Could Auction Personal Data for ABC › Business › story
Adi Kamdar, activist with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, said it would come in an era when online start-ups rely on customer data as assets.

Guardian: Death, drones and driverless cars: how Google wants to control our...

Google seems to be reaching out of the internet and into every corner of the world. So what exactly does it want – and can it really be good for us?
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