Adrian Buzan und Ionuţ Riteş Person-Info 

( Ich bin Adrian Buzan)
(1 - 11 von 13

Performanţa mondială „World Record Academy“ de zbor în adâncime,...
Maestrii sportului Ionut Rites si Adrian Buzan, piloti de paramotor, si-au doborat propriul record mondial stabilit in si inscris in Cartea Recordurilor,...

Adi Buzan/Ionut Rites - Record de zbor la adancime - Forum...
Titlu: Adi Buzan/Ionut Rites - Record de zbor la adancime Sursa: Asociatia

Flying Underground: PPG in a Romanian Salt mine | Cross Country...
Romanian pilots Ionuț Riteș and Adrian Buzan flew their paramotors underground in a disused salt mine in Romania, earning them a 'unique world record' for the 'deepest paramotoring flight'. The flight, which took place on 22 March 2016, was at at 208m below sea level in the Prahova salt mine, 100km ...