Adrian Buzan und Poker Person-Info 

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Adrian Buzan | Poker Spieler | PokerNews
Adrian Buzan Poker Spieler Profil. Die aktuellsten Informationen, Gewinne und Galerie.

Adrian Buzan | Poker Players | PokerNews
Adrian Buzan poker player profile. Get latest information, winnings and gallery.

Adrian Buzan (EUR 2,478) | PokerNews Cup King's...
Adrian Buzan raiste auf 300,000 und Miroslav Lelek shovte im Small Blind. Buzan callte. Buzan: Lelek: Das Board brachte Lelek ein Set. Buzan musste gehen.

Adrian Buzan Eliminated in 13th Place (€2,478) | PokerNews Cup...
Adrian Buzan raised to 300,000 and Miroslav Lelek shoved out of the small blind. Buzan had around 1.4 million left and called all in to see a coin flip for his tournament life. Buzan: {A-Hearts} {K-Spades} Lelek: {J-Hearts} {J-Spades}. The flop of {Q-Diamonds} {J-Diamonds} {8-Clubs} gave Lelek a set of jacks ...