Adrian Schultz und Strawberry Person-Info 

( Ich bin Adrian Schultz)
(1 - 25 von 78

Berry sabotage devastating to Qld growers | The Courier | Ballarat,...
Already struggling with low prices, Queensland strawberry growers are imploring customers to stick by their product after sewing needles were discovered in...

Backpacker tax would devastate SEQ strawberry industry: growers
This month Queensland Strawberry Growers Association vice-president Adrian Schultz told the ABC that strawberry farms near Wamuran ...

Berry sabotage devastating to Qld growers | St George & Sutherland...
Already struggling with low prices, Queensland strawberry growers are imploring customers to stick by their product after sewing needles were discovered in...

Farmers turn to metal detectors after finding needles in strawberries...
Australian strawberry growers are turning to metal detectors after sewing needles have been discovered in the fruit. The Australian government has launched an...