Ahmad Razeelan Awang Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ahmad Razeelan Awang)


English-speaking Ahmad Awang will boost PAS' profile, claims ex ...

as an advantage PAS presidential hopeful Ahmad Awang's ...

Ahmad Awang gets first nomination to take on Hadi for party top post

PAS's Parit Sulong division has nominated former vice-president Ahmad Awang as their first choice for the party presidency, making him the third person so far named to challenge incumbent Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang. Hadi today also received a second nomination from the Kuala Kedah division, ...

Ahmad Awang might sue Hadi over 'DAP's choice' slander ...

From Yahoo News Singapore: Defeated PAS presidential candidate Ahmad Awang is considering legal action against parties who defamed ...

Dr Mahathir berbohong tentang Kassim Ahmad, kata bekas ...

Bekas Presiden Persatuan Ulama Malaysia (PUM), Ustaz Ahmad Awang berkata, ketika kejadian pertama Kassim membawa teorinya pada ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Ahmad Razeelan Awang
Ahmad Awang
Name "Awang" (320)
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