Ahmed Al-Zanam Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ahmed Al-Zanam)


(1 - 4 von 23

Spiegel.de: Porträt von Hamas-Militärchef Dschabari - DER SPIEGEL

Getroffen von einer Rakete explodierte sein Wagen in einem Feuerball: Gezielt liquidierte Israels Luftwaffe Ahmed al-Dschabari in Gaza. Der Chef der...

Ahmed Al - cio.de

CIO Netzwerk-Profil von Ahmed Al

Iraq MP Ahmed al-Alwani arrested in deadly Ramadi raid - BBC News

Iraqi forces have arrested an MP, killing his brother and five of his guards who had opened fire on the officers, police say.

Guardian: Ahmed al-Jabari: the Hamas 'general' who kept out of the limelight |...

The head of Hamas's military wing was suspected of being behind the kidnapping of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit
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Vorname "Ahmed" (7738)
Name "al-Zanam" (2)
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