Ahmed Hesham Abd Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ahmed Hesham Abd)


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Neues „Labor-im-Koffer“ für schnellen Nachweis der Ebola-Infektion

Göttingen – Einen Diagnosekoffer, der alle notwendigen Reagenzien und Ausrüstung enthält, um das Ebolavirus innerhalb einer Viertelstunde vor Ort...

Former 'world's heaviest woman' Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty dies aged 37 |...

An Egyptian woman believed to have once been the heaviest in the world has died aged 37.

Former 'heaviest woman' Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty dies - BBC News

A hospital in Abu Dhabi confirms the Egyptian's death despite recent weight-loss surgery.

'World's Heaviest Woman' Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty Said to Have Dropped...

Just a few months ago she was billed as the world's heaviest woman , but doctors in India now say Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty has dropped more than 700 pounds and...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Ahmed Hesham Abd
Vorname "Hesham" (268)
Name "Abd" (939)
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