Ahmed Khalek Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ahmed Khalek)


Men's squash's Ahmed Abdel Khalek and Ahmed Hatata named

45th Price-Bullington Invitational Showcases Collegiate Squash (United States Squash). (Source: United States Squash ) PBI champions Ahmed Khalek (center, left) and Kanzy El Defrawy (center, right) By Winston Price The Price-Bullington Invitational was played at the Country Club of Virginia over ...

'Jackets Start Off At Price Bullington Invite - University of...

Three members of the Rochester squash team started off the season with a trip to Richmond, Virginia for the Price-Bullington Invitational.

Squash Gets Strong Results At PBI Tournament - University of...

The Rochester squash team had a strong showing at the Price-Bullington Invitational, one of the nation's premier collegiate squash tournaments in early...
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Ahmed Abdel
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