Ahmed Tayyeb Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ahmed Tayyeb)


(1 - 4 von 27

Egyptians abroad start voting in presidential election | CNN

Egyptians abroad began voting Friday in what is considered the nation's first free and fair presidential election in modern history.

imam ahmed tayyeb | Libero 24x7

Religions and Cultures in Dialogue' and will include a wide array of VIPs, including the grand Imam of Al - Azhar university, Ahmed Al Tayyeb; the Ecu…cal...

Indonesian Consul General aims to continue strengthening ...

Ambassador Mohammed Ahmed Tayyeb, the director general of Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Makkah Province, was the chief guest of the ...

Egypt cabinet in crisis talks after Cairo bloodshed - ABC News...

Egypt's cabinet has held emergency talks after 24 people died in clashes between Coptic Christians and security forces.
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