Aissat Abdel Karim Person-Info 

( Ich bin Aissat Abdel Karim)


(1 - 4 von 12
) Arab Idol: Syrisches Anti-Kriegs-Lied wird zum YouTube-Hit - DER...

Er brachte die Jury zum Weinen und rührte die Herzen der Zuschauer: Bei der Castingshow

Abdel Karim – the boy from Gaza who never smiles – Channel 4 News
Three-year-old Abdel Karim suffered a relapse after treatment of his brain tumour was delayed by Israeli authorities, who suspect his Gaza family of...

'Hunch' saves hundreds from car bomb at Beirut World Cup screening -...
Abdel Karim Hodroj, 20-year-old Lebanese security officer, hailed as hero for preventing car bombing of Beirut World Cup screening attended by 200 people...

Abdel Karim Hamdan sings about Syria on Arab Idol
A Syrian contestant sings about his homeland on Arab Idol in a heartbreaking rendition of a mawwal.
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Name "Karim" (1304)
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