Akira Endo und Award Person-Info 

( Ich bin Akira Endo)
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Gairdner Awards honour seven wonders of the world of medical science...

This year's Gairdner Awards are acknowledging pioneers in vaccines, pediatric care, nuclear magnetic resonance and more​. Here's how their achievements have...

ESC Gold Medal Award winner: Professor Akira Endo - European...

27. Aug · 27 Aug Akira Endo. ESC Gold Medalist. Today, statins are among the most widely prescribed medications worldwide. One of this year’s ESC Gold Medal Award winners, Professor Akira Endo, was responsible for the discovery of the first statin almost 50 years ago.

Akira Endo, biochemist who made statin drugs possible, awarded

Akira Endo, a Japanese biochemist who was instrumental in the development of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, has been awarded the Meira ...

2017 Canada Gairdner Awards Recognize Basic and Transformative...

TORONTO, March 28, Canada Gairdner Awards Recognize Basic and Transformative Research in Canada and Internationally.