Alan Gardiner Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alan Gardiner)


(1 - 4 von 11
) New Findings About Nefertiti as Berlin Exhibition Opens - DER SPIEGEL

German excavators discovered the famous bust of Nefertiti in Egypt 100 years ago. As an anniversary exhibition kicks off in Berlin, new findings are altering...

Vortrag über Ernst Lewy - Zwischen Wechterswinkel, Berlin und dem...
Nachdem sein Ausreiseantrag nach Palästina nicht genehmigt worden war, gelangte Lewy mit Hilfe des Ägyptologen Alan Gardiner nach ...

Guardian: Margaret Gardiner | | The Guardian

Obituary: Her passion for the arts and generosity of spirit fostered a generation.

I’ve God power to heal: Miracle claims spark fury – The Sun
A LOCAL councillor has claimed he has the same healing powers as JESUS. Self-proclaimed miracle worker Alan Gardiner told a gospel hall audience he could ...
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