Alaska Winter Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alaska Winter)


Weather Forecasting | Alaska Avalanche School Event Categories |...
Alaska Winter Weather Forecasting (Basic) 2 days / $550 Description (Basic): This 2-Day course is similar to the WWF course described HERE, it also covers basic meteorology and how the atmosphere works, but is tailored to concentrate primarily on Alaska’s weather.

Alaska Winter Weather Forecasting (Advanced) | Alaska Avalanche...
Description: This 2-day course begins where the Winter Weather Forecasting Course leaves off, concentrating on more advanced meteorological subjects, more mountain weather forecasting techniques, and more hands-on forecasting practice. Students will be introduced to additional analysis tools and computer model interpretation techniques. Goals: Learn how to organize and streamline the …
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Person "Winter" (75)
Vorname "Alaska" (58)
Name "Winter" (5531)
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