Albert Barnes Person-Info 

( Ich bin Albert Barnes)


(1 - 4 von 19

Guardian: Mungo Man is a physical reminder of the need for Indigenous...

On the 40th anniversary of the unearthing of Mungo Man, his discoverer speaks of that special day and how it changed his view of Indigenous Australia

Albert Barnes: The 'monster’ who set Matisse free
The French artist's irascible patron drove him to a creative breakthrough - and the brink of collapse

Albert Barnes | Architectural Digest
Albert Barnes

Marianne Feilchenfeldt Breslauer: Bilder meines Lebens: Trotz allem...
Ein unbeschwertes Bild der kurzen Jahre vor der Katastrophe: Die Erinnerungen der Fotografin und Galeristin Marianne Feilchenfeldt...
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