Ale House Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ale House)


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Easton settles lawsuit for $40000
[Allentown Morning Call] the developer of the former Mount Vernon Ale House, despite warnings that certain federal procedures were not followed, according to court documents.

Google News: Mystery over woman's life-threatening injuries

[] - "We're talking to and accounting for everyone she had contact with over this period and have established she was at the Ale House on Arawata St from late

Cancer Prevention: Rethink Your Diet as Well as Your Smoking
[U.S. News & World Report] - -would only have ginger ale in house when kids were growing up-- only eat self-prepared meals, very little red meat (2-3 times/yr), broiled/baked on a rack

Google News: District the band, not the schools - releases debut CD

[Wednesday Journal] - District 97 will hold a free "listening session" at the Avenue Ale House at 7 pm, Sept. 13, to sell T-shirts and copies of the CD the day before it's
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