Alejandro A. Ferrer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alejandro A. Ferrer)


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Empfang zum Nationalfeiertag von Panama - DISY
Das Magazin für die Dresdner Gesellschaft und Umgebung

Drivers expected to be OK after crash on Florida's Turnpike
A truck and car were hardly recognizable after a crash on Florida's Turnpike early Friday morning, but both drivers avoided serious injury.

It's a ladybug's life! Photographer captures the tiny world of...
Wildlife photographer Alejandro Ferrer, from San Roque, Spain, has spent two years capturing the microscopic realm of insects.

The Cheesecake Factory Opening in October, Now Hiring More Than
"Construction is going great; we haven't had any delays,” said The Cheesecake Factory General Manager Alejandro Ferrer. “We're slated to ...
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