Alev Adil Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alev Adil)


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Taz: Die Zukunft hinter uns -

CROSSOVER Das Langzeitprojekt „100 Jahre Gegenwart“ im Haus der Kulturen der Welt macht zum Auftakt ein breites interdisziplinäres Themenspektrum auf: Kriege...

Guardian: In support of Goldsmiths cleaners and Prof James Newell | Higher...

In two letters, hundreds of academics call for Goldsmiths to bring its cleaners back in house, and for James Newell to be reinstated as professor of politics...

Guardian: Review: Rebel Land by Christopher de Bellaigue | Books | The Guardian

Review: Rebel Land by Christopher de BellaigueAlev Adil explores a region still enraged by a 'crime on the sly'

'Diversity: The Gift Of Islam' Joint Conference held by Muslim...
4.15pm: 'The Role of Self-expression in Fostering Inclusion and Understanding Within Muslim Communities'. Speakers: Dr Alev Adil, Sarah ...
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Vorname "Alev" (711)
Name "Adil" (611)
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