Alex Callinicos Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alex Callinicos)


Guardian: Alex Callinicos | The Guardian

Alex Callinicos is professor of European studies at King's College London. He has published extensively on Marxism, social theory, political philosophy, political economy, and race and racism. His most recent book, Bonfire of Illusions (Polity), is on the economic crisis. December

Alex Callinicos · Marxismus und Imperialismus heute
Alex Callinicos · Marxismus und Imperialismus heute

Antonio Negri in historischer Perspektive -> Empire und die Grenzen...
Das Buch Empire von Toni Negri und Michael Hardt führt in einer Hinsicht wirklich in die Irre. Hardt und Negri streiten ab, dass Konflikte zwischen den...

Laurie Penny: A response to Alex Callinicos
Let me say right from the start that I know I shouldn't do this. Arguing strategy with revolutionary leftist parties in a public forum is a little like...
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