Alex Klippel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alex Klippel)


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Sustainability Showcase: Alex Klippel - 6 DEC Evensi
December, 12:00 PM PM - HUB-Robeson Center - State College - United States - Extended Realities - Creating Visceral Experiences for ... Fr., 6. Dez. HUB-Robeson Center, State College, PA, United States

New Providence's Hua is the CN Boys Swimmer of the Year
New Providence's David Hua is the Courier News Boys Swimmer of the Year

Far Hills 85-year-old sets state swimming record
Unbreakable tenacity Drove Far Hills resident to notable accomplishments in swimming, running, and authorship

KREISLIGA B II: Auch ohne Coach am Thron kratzen
SEHLEM. Noch immer nagt der plötzliche Rücktritt von Trainer Rudi Roth-Noss am Nervenkostüm des Tabellenzweiten SG Sehlem. Doch auch ohne Coach wollen die
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