Alex Krautmann und Louis Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alex Krautmann)
(1 - 13 von 14

Saint Louis tranche ses bagels comme du pain et Internet s’emporte |...
Quelle ville a les meilleurs bagels, Montréal ou New York? En tout cas, Internet semble s'accorder sur le fait que ce ne sera jamais Saint Louis, en raison de...

Guardian: New Yorkers horrified by 'crime' of bagels sliced like bread | Bread...

St Louis man says vertical slices are the way to go but photo prompts earful on social media

New Yorkers not amused by man who sliced bagels like bread
Alex Krautmann on Monday tweeted a photo of his Panera purchase and called the vertical slices "the St. Louis secret." Krautmann pointed out ...

New Yorkers got upset over how this Midwesterner sliced his bagels -...
The man called the vertical slices a ‘St. Louis secret.’
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