Alexander Joffe Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alexander Joffe)


(1 - 4 von 15
) Israel : Besser, größer, stärker - DER SPIEGEL

"Ohne angemessene Arbeit müßten sie versuchen, doch noch in die USA, nach Kanada oder Südafrika weiterzuziehen", sagt Neubürger Alexander Joffe, der als Professor für Mathematik an der ...

Alexander Joffe & Asaf Romirowsky: Salam Fayyad holds the key to...
By Alexander Joffe and Asaf RomirowskyThe Palestinian cause has never been more marginalized than it is today. That was the message conveyed by Palestinian...

Outside View: Palestinian refugees forever? -
Suggested congressional changes to UNRWA and the Palestinians are long overdue and would improve the Palestinians’ ability to become self-reliant. It may also...

Dr. Asaf Romirowsky and Dr. Alexander Joffe at the ISGAP Center »...
Dr. Alexander Joffe Shillman-Ginsburg Fellow, Middle East Forum. Friday, March 7, :00 PM. ISGAP Offices 165 East 56th Street
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