Alexandre Tkatchenko und Machine Learning Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alexandre Tkatchenko)
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Fritz Haber Seminar: Alexandre Tkatchenko, University of › news › fritz-haber-seminar-alexandr...
22 April, alexandretkatchenko.jpg. On Electrons and Machine Learning Force Fields. Alexandre Tkatchenko, University of Luxembourg ...

Researchers at the forefront of developing machine ...
Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko and his research team at the University of Luxembourg have been awarded grants totalling 500,000 euros to conduct research in the emerging field of machine learning meth ...

'The Promise and Rise of Machine Learning in Chemistry and Physics'...
'The Promise and Rise of Machine Learning in Chemistry and Physics' with Alexandre Tkatchenko, Professor of Theoretical Chemical Physics, University of...

On Electrons and Machine Learning Force Fields. - Fritz Haber › event › fritz-haber-seminar-guest-sp...
· Online Fritz-Haber Seminar with Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko from the University of Luxembourg: "On Electrons and Machine Learning Force ...