Alexey Prudnikov Person-Info 

( Ich bin Alexey Prudnikov)


Competition "Gold Voice of University 2013" started
... Tatyana Sazantseva and Alexey Prudnikov, Maxim Bukreev and Maria Eremenko, Valentina Litvinova and Maria Seshuk, Valeria Murdugova ...

Moscow Seed Fund invests in City From the Window Company
Moscow Seed Fund has invested in a young technology company City from the window. Business angel Alexey Prudnikov became the co-investor. Moscow Seed Fund...

RSCC, as General Partner, sponsors Rossviaz Futsal III Cup
Teams from various telecommunications and media companies competed in the futsal tournament on 21 June organized by the Corporate League with support of...

Segota Seals Socker Win Over Soviets - Los Angeles Times
When the Sockers led Dynamo Moscow by two goals in the second quarter of Sunday's 7-5 exhibition victory, San Diego Coach Ron Newman said that
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