Ali Shafii Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ali Shafii)


(1 - 4 von 9
) døde i Iran-jordskjelvet – NRK Urix – Utenriksnyheter og...

Jordskjelvet som la den iranske byen Bam i ruiner krevde menneskeliv, viser nye tall. Det er flere døde enn den forrige oversikten viste.

20,000 Feared Dead as Quake Devastates Historic Iranian City - Los...
The temblor levels more than half the buildings in Bam, known for its mud-brick architecture.

Iran earthquake death toll could reach 20,000
At least 5,000 people are believed dead after an earthquake struck the historic Iranian city of Bam on Friday but officials estimate…

Iran earthquake toll
The earthquake that devastated the southeast Iranian city of Bam was the deadliest in the world since the Chinese disaster in
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